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Cari Blog Ini

Author Description

Jj Redick Stats

JJ Redick: A Statistical Profile

Career Highlights

JJ Redick is a retired American professional basketball player who spent 15 seasons in the National Basketball Association (NBA). He is widely regarded as one of the greatest three-point shooters in NBA history. Redick holds several NBA records for three-point shooting, including most three-pointers made in a single season and highest three-point percentage in a single season.

Regular Season Stats

In his regular season career, Redick averaged 12.8 points per game, 2.3 rebounds per game, and 2.4 assists per game. He shot 48.0% from the field, 44.6% from three-point range, and 91.2% from the free throw line. Redick was a key contributor to the success of several NBA teams, including the Orlando Magic, Milwaukee Bucks, Los Angeles Clippers, Philadelphia 76ers, and Dallas Mavericks.

Playoff Stats

Redick also had a successful playoff career. He averaged 12.3 points per game, 2.2 rebounds per game, and 2.2 assists per game in the playoffs. He shot 46.8% from the field, 42.9% from three-point range, and 90.2% from the free throw line. Redick's playoff performances were often crucial to his teams' success, as he was a reliable scorer and a threat from beyond the arc.

Awards and Accomplishments

Redick was named to the NBA All-Star team once, in 2012. He was also named to the All-NBA Second Team in 2014. Redick is the NBA record holder for most three-pointers made in a single season (276) and highest three-point percentage in a single season (47.5%). He also holds the franchise single-season three-point field goal records for several of the teams he played for.
